English Japan

Cảm Biến Từ Balluff BES 516-324-EO-C-PU

Cảm Biến Từ Balluff BES 516-324-EO-C-PU
Mã Sản phẩm : BES 516-324-EO-C-PU
Chuyên mục : Cảm biến Từ Tính (Inductive)
Nhà sản xuất : Đại lý Balluff Vietnam
Hàng sẵn kho : 4  cái
Mô tả:
Inductive Sensors BES 516-324-EO-C-PU M8x1 x 46.5 normally-open Sn=1,5mm shielded
Thông số chi tiết :
Common Data
Mounting in steel Rated operating distance Sn
shielded 1,5mm
Assured operating distance Sa
Repeatability R
<= 5%
Hysteresis Function indication
<= 15% yes
Ambient temperature range
Polution Degree IEC-Code
3 I1A08AP1
Time delay before availability
<= 10ms
Mechanical Data
Measurements BxHxT or DxT
M8x1 x 46.5mm
Housing material
stainless steel
Material of sensing face
PA 12
Degree of protection
Cable type LifY-Y-11Y-O
Schock: Halfsinus, 30 gn, 11ms Vibration: 55 Hz, 1mm Amplitude, 3 x 30 Minutes
Electrical Data
Current type
Wiring switching function
3-Wire normally-open
Output signal
Rated opertional voltage
24 DCV
Rated opertional current Supply voltage
200mA 10...30 DCV
<= 15%
max. switching frequency No-load supply current
3000Hz <= 8/<= 1mA
Off-state current
<= 10μA
Voltage drop Short circuit protection
<= 2.0/-V yes
Protected against polarity reversal
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