English Japan

Electronic Controllers

Electronic Controllers
Mã Sản phẩm : ir33
Chuyên mục : Cảm biến Nhiệt độ (Temperature)
Nhà sản xuất : Carel
Hàng sẵn kho : Đặt hàng 
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Following ir32, one of CAREL's most famous and best selling controllers, the
ir300 range represents the maximum technology that CAREL offers in the
field of refrigeration applications.
The top-of-the-range model characterising the new series arouses special
interest as it can be fitted with all the options available: infrared remote
control, programming key, repeater display, high efficiency LED display,
HACCP function, real time clock, RS485 serial port, second evaporator
defrost management, without sacrificing the 4 control relays and the 115 to
230 Vac switching power supply.
All obviously in the same dimensions as the current ir32 case!
Another unique feature concerning this new series of controllers is the possibility to manage smart defrosts, optimising the management of this
function, with consequent energy savings.
Finally, one very important aspect involves the IP65 index of protection; the modern technology implemented by CAREL for the moulding of the
plastic parts has allowed the protection gasket to be integrated directly into the front panel, without the need to add accessory components to the product that may create an unpleasant aesthetic and visual impact.



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