English Japan
Carlo Gavazzi Vietnam Pricelist 2010 part. 4

Carlo Gavazzi Vietnam Pricelist 2010 part. 4

  --  9/3/2010


Code Description
PS31L-PO11P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC ove
PS31L-PO11R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC ove
PS31L-PO11R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS31L-PO11RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS31L-PO11RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC ove
PS31L-PO11RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS31L-PO11RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS31L-PO11SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS31L-PO11SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31L-PO11W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS31L-PO11W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS31L-PS02L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS31L-PS02L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS31L-PS02LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PS02LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PS02LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PS02LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PS02LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PS02LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PS02LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PS02LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PS02LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PS02LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PS02LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) multidir ny
PS31L-PS02LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) multidir ny
PS31L-PS02LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS31L-PS02LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS31L-PS02LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS02LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS02LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PS02LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PS02N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31L-PS02P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel rolle
PS31L-PS02PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS31L-PS02PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PS02R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PS02RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PS02RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PS02RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PS02RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PS02RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PS02RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PS02RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PS02RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PS02RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PS02RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PS02RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PS02RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PS02RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PS02RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS02SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS02SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS31L-PS02SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS02W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PS02W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PS02W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS02W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PS11L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS31L-PS11L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS31L-PS11LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PS11LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PS11LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31L-PS11LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31L-PS11LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31L-PS11LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31L-PS11LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PS11LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PS11LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS11LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS11LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS31L-PS11LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS31L-PS11N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31L-PS11P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31L-PS11P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31L-PS11PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel b
PS31L-PS11PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel b
PS31L-PS11PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel r
PS31L-PS11PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS31L-PS11PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31L-PS11PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31L-PS11R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) one way
PS31L-PS11RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) one way
PS31L-PS11RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS31L-PS11RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS31L-PS11RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS31L-PS11RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) one way
PS31L-PS11RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) one way
PS31L-PS11RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS31L-PS11RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS31L-PS11RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PS11RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PS11RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PS11RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PS11RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS31L-PS11SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS31L-PS11SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31L-PS11W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PS11W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PS11W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PS11W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT02L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS31L-PT02L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS31L-PT02LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PT02LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PT02LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PT02LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PT02LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT02LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT02LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT02LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT02LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT02LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT02LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) multidir ny
PS31L-PT02LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) multidir ny
PS31L-PT02LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT02LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT02LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT02LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT02LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PT02LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PT02N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31L-PT02P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel rolle
PS31L-PT02PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS31L-PT02PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT02R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT02RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT02RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT02RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT02RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT02RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT02RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT02RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT02RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PT02RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PT02RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT02RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT02RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT02RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT02RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT02SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT02SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT02SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT02W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PT02W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PT02W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT02W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj square 
PS31L-PT03L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj square 
PS31L-PT03LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PT03LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS31L-PT03LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PT03LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS31L-PT03LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT03LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT03LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT03LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS31L-PT03LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT03LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT03LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) mul
PS31L-PT03LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) mul
PS31L-PT03LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT03LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT03LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT03LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT03LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PT03LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS31L-PT03N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31L-PT03P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) steel rolle
PS31L-PT03PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS31L-PT03PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT03R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT03RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT03RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT03RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT03RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT03RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS31L-PT03RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT03RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) one way LEV
PS31L-PT03RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PT03RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS31L-PT03RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT03RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT03RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT03RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT03RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT03SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT03SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) stainless s
PS31L-PT03SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT03W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PT03W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS31L-PT03W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT03W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS31L-PT11L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT11L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT11LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT11LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT11LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT11LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT11LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT11LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT11LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT11LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT11LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT11LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT11LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT11LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT11N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31L-PT11P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT11P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT11PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT11PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT11PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel r
PS31L-PT11PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS31L-PT11PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT11PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT11R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT11RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT11RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT11RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT11RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT11RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT11RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT11RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT11RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT11RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT11RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT11RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT11RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT11SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS31L-PT11SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT11W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT11W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT11W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT11W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT12L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT12LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT12LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT12LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT12LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT12LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT12LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT12LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT12LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT12LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT12LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT12LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT12LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT12N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31L-PT12P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT12P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT12PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT12PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT12PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) steel r
PS31L-PT12PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) met PLU
PS31L-PT12PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT12PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT12R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT12RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT12RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT12RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT12RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slo
PS31L-PT12RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT12RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT12RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT12RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT12RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT12RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT12RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT12RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT12RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT12SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) stainle
PS31L-PT12SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT12W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT12W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT12W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT12W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT20L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS31L-PT20L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS31L-PT20LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS31L-PT20LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS31L-PT20LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS31L-PT20LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS31L-PT20LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS31L-PT20LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS31L-PT20LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS31L-PT20LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS31L-PT20LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT20LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT20LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS31L-PT20LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS31L-PT20LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow stainless stee
PS31L-PT20LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
PS31L-PT20LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow 
PS31L-PT20LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow 
PS31L-PT20LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS31L-PT20LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS31L-PT20N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow pull wire for 
PS31L-PT20P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow steel roller P
PS31L-PT20PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
PS31L-PT20PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT20R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow one way LEVER 
PS31L-PT20RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow one way LEVER 
PS31L-PT20RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow one way LEVER 
PS31L-PT20RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS31L-PT20RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS31L-PT20RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS31L-PT20RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow one way LEVER 
PS31L-PT20RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow one way LEVER 
PS31L-PT20RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS31L-PT20RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS31L-PT20RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow one way  LEVER
PS31L-PT20SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow 
PS31L-PT20SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow stainless stee
PS31L-PT20SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow
PS31L-PT20W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS31L-PT20W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT20W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS31L-PT21L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT21L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31L-PT21LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT21LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31L-PT21LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT21LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT21LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT21LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31L-PT21LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT21LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31L-PT21LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT21LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT21LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT21LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31L-PT21N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31L-PT21P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT21P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31L-PT21PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT21PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) steel b
PS31L-PT21PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) steel r
PS31L-PT21PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS31L-PT21PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT21PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31L-PT21R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT21RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT21RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT21RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS31L-PT21RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT21RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) one way
PS31L-PT21RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT21RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31L-PT21RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT21RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT21RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT21RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT21RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31L-PT21SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS31L-PT21SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31L-PT21W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT21W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS31L-PT21W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT21W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31L-PT30L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj square (3
PS31L-PT30L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj square (3
PS31L-PT30LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj Ø3 rod LE
PS31L-PT30LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj Ø3 rod LE
PS31L-PT30LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide nyl actuator 
PS31L-PT30LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide nyl actuator 
PS31L-PT30LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj fiberglas
PS31L-PT30LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj fiberglas
PS31L-PT30LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj fiberglas
PS31L-PT30LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj fiberglas
PS31L-PT30LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT30LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj nyl rod LEVER
PS31L-PT30LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide multidir nyl 
PS31L-PT30LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide multidir nyl 
PS31L-PT30LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide stainless ste
PS31L-PT30LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide stainless ste
PS31L-PT30LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide 
PS31L-PT30LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide 
PS31L-PT30LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide Stainless ste
PS31L-PT30LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide Stainless ste
PS31L-PT30N6-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide pull wire for
PS31L-PT30P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide met plain PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30PB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30PB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide steel ball PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30PG-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide steel roller 
PS31L-PT30PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide met PLUNGER +gasket
PS31L-PT30PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide met roller PLUNGER
PS31L-PT30R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30R3-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30R3-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30RB-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide one way LEVER
PS31L-PT30RB-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide one way LEVER
PS31L-PT30RC-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide one w
PS31L-PT30RH-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide pl roller LEV
PS31L-PT30RH-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide pl roller LEV
PS31L-PT30RJ-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide pl roller LEV
PS31L-PT30RK-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide one way LEVER
PS31L-PT30RK-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide one way LEVER
PS31L-PT30RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide roller LEVER 
PS31L-PT30RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide roller LEVER 
PS31L-PT30RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT30RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide met roller LEVER
PS31L-PT30RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT30RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide nyl roller LEVER
PS31L-PT30RY-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide one way  LEVER
PS31L-PT30SH-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide 
PS31L-PT30SP-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide stainless ste
PS31L-PT30SV-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide
PS31L-PT30W0-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide Ø50 rubber ro
PS31L-PT30W0-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide Ø50 rubber ro
PS31L-PT30W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31L-PT30W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NO slide adj LEVER wit
PS31M-CS11BE-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11BE-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11BO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS31M-CS11BO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS31M-CS11BR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11BR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS31M-CS11L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS31M-CS11LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS31M-CS11LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS31M-CS11LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31M-CS11LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31M-CS11LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31M-CS11LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS31M-CS11LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS31M-CS11LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS31M-CS11LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS31M-CS11LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS31M-CS11LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS31M-CS11LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS31M-CS11P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31M-CS11P0-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31M-CS11P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31M-CS11P0-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS31M-CS11P8-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11P8-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11P8-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11P8-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS31M-CS11P9-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) cross m
PS31M-CS11P9-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) cross m
PS31M-CS11P9-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) cross m
PS31M-CS11P9-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) cross m
PS31M-CS11PH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS31M-CS11PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS31M-CS11PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31M-CS11PR-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31M-CS11PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31M-CS11PR-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS31M-CS11PY-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11PY-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11PY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11PY-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CS11R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CS11R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CS11R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CS11R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CS11RM-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11RM-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS31M-CS11RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS31M-CS11RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31M-CS11W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CS11W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11BE-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11BE-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11BO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS31M-CT11BO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS31M-CT11BR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11BR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11L3-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31M-CT11L3-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS31M-CT11LA-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31M-CT11LA-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS31M-CT11LB-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LB-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LF-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31M-CT11LF-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31M-CT11LG-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31M-CT11LG-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS31M-CT11LN-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31M-CT11LN-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS31M-CT11LP-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LP-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11LW-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31M-CT11LW-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS31M-CT11LZ-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31M-CT11LZ-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS31M-CT11P0-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31M-CT11P0-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31M-CT11P0-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31M-CT11P0-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS31M-CT11P8-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11P8-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11P8-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11P8-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS31M-CT11P9-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) cross m
PS31M-CT11P9-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) cross m
PS31M-CT11P9-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) cross m
PS31M-CT11P9-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) cross m
PS31M-CT11PH-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS31M-CT11PH-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS31M-CT11PR-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31M-CT11PR-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31M-CT11PR-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31M-CT11PR-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS31M-CT11PY-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11PY-M0L PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11PY-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11PY-T0L PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS31M-CT11R1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11R1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11R2-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11R2-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11RM-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11RM-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11RO-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31M-CT11RO-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS31M-CT11RS-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11RS-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11RT-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11RT-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS31M-CT11W1-M00 PS 40mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31M-CT11W1-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS31R-MO11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-MO11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-MS02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MS02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MS11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-MS11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MT02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MT03N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MT03N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-MT11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT12N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT12N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT21N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-MT21N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NO11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-NO11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-NS02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NS02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NS11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-NS11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NT02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NT03N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NT03N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-NT11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT12N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT12N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT21N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-NT21N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PO11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-PO11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31R-PS02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PS02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PS11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-PS11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT02N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PT02N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PT03N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PT03N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS31R-PT11N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT11N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT12N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT12N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT21N7-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31R-PT21N7-YK0 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS31S-MO1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-MO1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-MS0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MS0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MS1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MS1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT0305-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT0305-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT1205-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT1205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT2105-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-MT2105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NO1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-NO1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-NS0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NS0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NS1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NS1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT0305-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT0305-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT1205-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT1205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT2105-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-NT2105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PO1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-PO1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS31S-PS0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PS0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PS1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PS1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT0205-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT0205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT0305-T00 PS 40mm TT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT0305-Y00 PS 40mm MT 3NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT1105-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT1105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT1205-T00 PS 40mm TT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT1205-Y00 PS 40mm MT 1NO+2NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT2105-T00 PS 40mm TT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS31S-PT2105-Y00 PS 40mm MT 2NO+1NC slow(+) 90° adj head
PS42H-AO11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AO11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AO11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AO11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AO11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AO11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-AS02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AS02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AS02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-AS02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-AS02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AS02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AS11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AS11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AS11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-AS11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-AS11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AS11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AT02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AT02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AT02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-AT02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-AT02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AT02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-AT11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AT11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AT11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-AT11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-AT11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-AT11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BO11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BO11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BO11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BO11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BO11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BO11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-BS02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BS02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BS02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-BS02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-BS02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BS02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BS11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BS11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BS11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-BS11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-BS11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BS11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BT02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BT02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BT02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-BT02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-BT02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BT02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-BT11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BT11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BT11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-BT11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-BT11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-BT11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MO11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MO11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MO11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MO11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MO11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MO11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-MS02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MS02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MS02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-MS02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-MS02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MS02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MS11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MS11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MS11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-MS11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-MS11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MS11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MT02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MT02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MT02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-MT02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-MT02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MT02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-MT11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MT11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MT11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-MT11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-MT11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-MT11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NO11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NO11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NO11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NO11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NO11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NO11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-NS02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NS02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NS02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-NS02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-NS02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NS02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NS11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NS11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NS11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-NS11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-NS11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NS11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NT02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NT02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NT02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-NT02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-NT02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NT02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-NT11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NT11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NT11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-NT11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-NT11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-NT11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PO11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PO11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PO11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PO11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PO11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PO11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42H-PS02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PS02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PS02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-PS02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42H-PS02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PS02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PS11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PS11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PS11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-PS11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) stainle
PS42H-PS11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PS11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PT02HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PT02HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PT02HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-PT02HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42H-PT02HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PT02HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) zinc plated
PS42H-PT11HC-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PT11HC-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PT11HS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-PT11HS-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) stainle
PS42H-PT11HZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42H-PT11HZ-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) zinc pl
PS42K-AS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-AS02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-AS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-AS02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-AS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-AS02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-AS02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-AS02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-AS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AS02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-AS11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-AS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-AS11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-AS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-AS11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-AS11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-AS11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-AS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AS11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-AT02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-AT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-AT02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-AT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-AT02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-AT02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-AT02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-AT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AT02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-AT11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-AT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-AT11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-AT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-AT11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-AT11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-AT11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-AT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-AT11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-BS02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-BS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-BS02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-BS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-BS02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-BS02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-BS02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-BS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BS02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-BS11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-BS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-BS11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-BS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-BS11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-BS11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-BS11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-BS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BS11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-BT02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-BT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-BT02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-BT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-BT02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-BT02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-BT02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-BT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BT02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-BT11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-BT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-BT11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-BT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-BT11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-BT11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-BT11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-BT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-BT11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-MS02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-MS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-MS02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-MS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-MS02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-MS02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-MS02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-MS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MS02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-MS11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-MS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-MS11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-MS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-MS11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-MS11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-MS11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-MS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MS11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-MT02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-MT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-MT02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-MT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-MT02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-MT02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-MT02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-MT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MT02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-MT11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-MT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-MT11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-MT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-MT11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-MT11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-MT11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-MT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-MT11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-NS02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-NS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-NS02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-NS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-NS02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-NS02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-NS02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-NS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NS02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-NS11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-NS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-NS11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-NS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-NS11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-NS11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-NS11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-NS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NS11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-NT02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-NT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-NT02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-NT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-NT02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-NT02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-NT02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-NT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NT02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-NT11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-NT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-NT11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-NT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-NT11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-NT11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-NT11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-NT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-NT11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-PS02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-PS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-PS02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-PS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-PS02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-PS02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-PS02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-PS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PS02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-PS11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42K-PS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-PS11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42K-PS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-PS11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42K-PS11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-PS11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42K-PS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PS11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-PT02LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42K-PT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-PT02P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42K-PT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-PT02PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42K-PT02R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-PT02R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42K-PT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PT02RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-PT11LR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42K-PT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-PT11P0-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42K-PT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-PT11PR-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42K-PT11R3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-PT11R3-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42K-PT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42K-PT11RT-Y00 PS 50mm MT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AO11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS42L-AO11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-AO11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AO11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-AS02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-AS02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-AS02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-AS02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-AS02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AS02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AS02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AS02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-AS02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-AS02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-AS02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AS02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AS02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AS02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-AS02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-AS02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AS02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AS02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AS02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AS02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-AS02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) mul
PS42L-AS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-AS02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42L-AS02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS42L-AS02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-AS02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-AS02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS42L-AS02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-AS02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AS02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-AS02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-AS02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-AS02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AS02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AS02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-AS02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-AS02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AS02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AS02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AS02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AS11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-AS11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-AS11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-AS11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-AS11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AS11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AS11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AS11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-AS11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-AS11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-AS11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AS11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AS11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AS11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-AS11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-AS11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-AS11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AS11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AS11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AS11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-AS11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-AS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-AS11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-AS11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS42L-AS11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-AS11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-AS11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS42L-AS11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-AS11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-AS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-AS11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AS11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS42L-AS11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
PS42L-AS11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-AS11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-AS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-AS11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-AS11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-AS11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-AS11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AS11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AS11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-AS11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-AS11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AS11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AS11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AS11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AS11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AS11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-AT02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-AT02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-AT02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-AT02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AT02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AT02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-AT02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-AT02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-AT02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-AT02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AT02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AT02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-AT02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-AT02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-AT02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-AT02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-AT02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-AT02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42L-AT02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS42L-AT02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-AT02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-AT02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS42L-AT02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-AT02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-AT02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-AT02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-AT02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-AT02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AT02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AT02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-AT02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-AT11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-AT11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-AT11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-AT11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-AT11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AT11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AT11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AT11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-AT11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-AT11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-AT11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AT11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AT11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-AT11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-AT11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AT11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AT11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-AT11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-AT11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-AT11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS42L-AT11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-AT11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-AT11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS42L-AT11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-AT11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-AT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-AT11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-AT11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS42L-AT11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl pla
PS42L-AT11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-AT11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-AT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-AT11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-AT11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-AT11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-AT11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-AT11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-AT11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AT11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AT11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-AT11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-AT20BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-AT20BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-AT20BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-AT20BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-AT20BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-AT20BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-AT20BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-AT20L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-AT20L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-AT20L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-AT20LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-AT20LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-AT20LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-AT20LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-AT20LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-AT20LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-AT20LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT20LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT20LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-AT20LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-AT20LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS42L-AT20LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-AT20LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
PS42L-AT20LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow 
PS42L-AT20LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-AT20LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-AT20N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pull wire for 
PS42L-AT20P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-AT20PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-AT20R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-AT20RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-AT20RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-AT20RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-AT20RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-AT20RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-AT20W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-AT20W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BO11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS42L-BO11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-BO11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BO11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-BS02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-BS02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-BS02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-BS02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-BS02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BS02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BS02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BS02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-BS02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-BS02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-BS02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BS02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BS02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BS02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-BS02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-BS02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BS02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BS02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BS02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BS02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-BS02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-BS02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42L-BS02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS42L-BS02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-BS02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-BS02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS42L-BS02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-BS02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BS02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-BS02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-BS02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BS02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BS02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-BS02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-BS02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BS02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BS02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BS02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BS11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-BS11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-BS11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-BS11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-BS11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BS11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BS11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BS11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-BS11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-BS11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-BS11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BS11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BS11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BS11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-BS11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BS11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BS11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BS11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-BS11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-BS11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS42L-BS11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-BS11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-BS11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS42L-BS11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-BS11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-BS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-BS11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BS11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS42L-BS11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
PS42L-BS11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-BS11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-BS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-BS11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-BS11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-BS11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-BS11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BS11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BS11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-BS11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-BS11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BS11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BS11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BS11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BS11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BS11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-BT02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-BT02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-BT02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-BT02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BT02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BT02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-BT02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-BT02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-BT02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-BT02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BT02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BT02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-BT02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-BT02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-BT02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-BT02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-BT02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-BT02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42L-BT02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS42L-BT02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-BT02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-BT02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS42L-BT02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-BT02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-BT02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-BT02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-BT02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-BT02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BT02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BT02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-BT02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-BT11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-BT11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-BT11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-BT11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-BT11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BT11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BT11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BT11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-BT11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-BT11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-BT11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BT11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BT11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-BT11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-BT11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BT11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BT11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-BT11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-BT11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-BT11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS42L-BT11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-BT11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-BT11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS42L-BT11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-BT11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-BT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-BT11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-BT11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS42L-BT11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl pla
PS42L-BT11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-BT11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-BT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-BT11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-BT11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-BT11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-BT11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-BT11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-BT11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BT11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BT11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-BT11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-BT20BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-BT20BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-BT20BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-BT20BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-BT20BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-BT20BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-BT20BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-BT20L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-BT20L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-BT20L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-BT20LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-BT20LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-BT20LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-BT20LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-BT20LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-BT20LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-BT20LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT20LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT20LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-BT20LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-BT20LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS42L-BT20LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-BT20LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
PS42L-BT20LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow 
PS42L-BT20LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-BT20LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-BT20N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pull wire for 
PS42L-BT20P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-BT20PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-BT20R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-BT20RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-BT20RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-BT20RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-BT20RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-BT20RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-BT20W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-BT20W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MO11BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS42L-MO11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC ove
PS42L-MO11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-MO11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MO11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-MS02BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-MS02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-MS02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-MS02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-MS02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MS02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-MS02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-MS02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-MS02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MS02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MS02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MS02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-MS02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-MS02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MS02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MS02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MS02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MS02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-MS02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) mul
PS42L-MS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-MS02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42L-MS02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS42L-MS02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-MS02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-MS02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS42L-MS02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-MS02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MS02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-MS02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-MS02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-MS02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MS02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MS02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-MS02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-MS02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MS02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MS02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MS02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MS11BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-MS11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-MS11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-MS11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-MS11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-MS11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-MS11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-MS11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MS11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MS11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MS11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-MS11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-MS11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-MS11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MS11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MS11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MS11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-MS11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-MS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-MS11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-MS11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS42L-MS11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-MS11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-MS11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS42L-MS11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-MS11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-MS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-MS11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MS11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS42L-MS11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
PS42L-MS11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-MS11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-MS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-MS11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-MS11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-MS11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-MS11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MS11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MS11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-MS11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-MS11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MS11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MS11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MS11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MS11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MS11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT02BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-MT02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-MT02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-MT02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-MT02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-MT02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-MT02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-MT02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-MT02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MT02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MT02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-MT02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-MT02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-MT02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-MT02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-MT02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) mul
PS42L-MT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-MT02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42L-MT02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS42L-MT02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-MT02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-MT02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS42L-MT02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-MT02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-MT02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-MT02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-MT02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-MT02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-MT02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MT02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MT02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-MT02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-MT11BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-MT11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-MT11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-MT11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-MT11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-MT11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-MT11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-MT11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MT11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MT11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-MT11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-MT11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-MT11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-MT11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MT11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MT11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-MT11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-MT11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-MT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-MT11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-MT11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS42L-MT11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-MT11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-MT11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS42L-MT11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-MT11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-MT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-MT11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-MT11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS42L-MT11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl pla
PS42L-MT11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-MT11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-MT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-MT11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-MT11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-MT11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-MT11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-MT11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-MT11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MT11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MT11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-MT11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-MT20BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller ext
PS42L-MT20BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller ext
PS42L-MT20BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller ext
PS42L-MT20BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-MT20BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-MT20BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-MT20BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-MT20BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-MT20BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-MT20BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-MT20L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-MT20L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-MT20L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-MT20LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-MT20LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-MT20LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-MT20LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-MT20LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-MT20LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-MT20LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT20LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT20LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-MT20LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-MT20LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS42L-MT20LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-MT20LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
PS42L-MT20LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow 
PS42L-MT20LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-MT20LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-MT20N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pull wire for 
PS42L-MT20P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-MT20PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-MT20R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-MT20RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-MT20RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-MT20RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-MT20RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-MT20RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-MT20W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-MT20W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NO11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS42L-NO11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-NO11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NO11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-NS02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-NS02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-NS02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-NS02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-NS02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NS02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NS02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NS02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-NS02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-NS02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-NS02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NS02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NS02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NS02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-NS02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-NS02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NS02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NS02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NS02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NS02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-NS02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-NS02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42L-NS02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS42L-NS02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-NS02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-NS02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS42L-NS02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-NS02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NS02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-NS02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-NS02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NS02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NS02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-NS02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-NS02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NS02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NS02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NS02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NS11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-NS11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-NS11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-NS11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-NS11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NS11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NS11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NS11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-NS11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-NS11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-NS11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NS11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NS11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NS11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-NS11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NS11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NS11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NS11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-NS11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-NS11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS42L-NS11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-NS11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-NS11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS42L-NS11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-NS11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-NS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-NS11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NS11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS42L-NS11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
PS42L-NS11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-NS11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-NS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-NS11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-NS11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-NS11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-NS11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NS11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NS11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-NS11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-NS11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NS11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NS11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NS11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NS11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NS11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-NT02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-NT02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-NT02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-NT02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NT02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NT02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-NT02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-NT02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-NT02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-NT02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NT02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NT02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-NT02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-NT02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-NT02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-NT02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-NT02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) multidir ny
PS42L-NT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-NT02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42L-NT02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS42L-NT02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-NT02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-NT02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS42L-NT02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-NT02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-NT02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-NT02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-NT02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-NT02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-NT02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NT02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NT02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-NT02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-NT11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-NT11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-NT11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-NT11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
PS42L-NT11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NT11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NT11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NT11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-NT11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-NT11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
PS42L-NT11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NT11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NT11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-NT11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-NT11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-NT11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
PS42L-NT11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NT11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NT11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
PS42L-NT11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-NT11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-NT11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
PS42L-NT11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
PS42L-NT11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
PS42L-NT11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-NT11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
PS42L-NT11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
PS42L-NT11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-NT11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-NT11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
PS42L-NT11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
PS42L-NT11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
PS42L-NT11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl pla
PS42L-NT11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-NT11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-NT11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
PS42L-NT11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-NT11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slo
PS42L-NT11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
PS42L-NT11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-NT11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
PS42L-NT11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NT11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NT11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-NT11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
PS42L-NT20BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-NT20BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
PS42L-NT20BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-NT20BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
PS42L-NT20BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-NT20BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-NT20BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller int
PS42L-NT20L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-NT20L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-NT20L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
PS42L-NT20LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-NT20LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-NT20LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
PS42L-NT20LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-NT20LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
PS42L-NT20LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
PS42L-NT20LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT20LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT20LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-NT20LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-NT20LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
PS42L-NT20LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
PS42L-NT20LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
PS42L-NT20LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow 
PS42L-NT20LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-NT20LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Stainless stel
PS42L-NT20N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pull wire for 
PS42L-NT20P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-NT20PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-NT20R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-NT20RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-NT20RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
PS42L-NT20RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-NT20RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
PS42L-NT20RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
PS42L-NT20W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-NT20W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
PS42L-PO11BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
PS42L-PO11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
PS42L-PO11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PO11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
PS42L-PS02BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-PS02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
PS42L-PS02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-PS02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
PS42L-PS02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PS02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-PS02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-PS02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
PS42L-PS02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PS02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PS02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PS02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-PS02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-PS02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PS02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PS02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PS02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PS02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-PS02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) multidir ny
PS42L-PS02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-PS02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
PS42L-PS02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
PS42L-PS02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-PS02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
PS42L-PS02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
PS42L-PS02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-PS02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PS02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-PS02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+)
PS42L-PS02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
PS42L-PS02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PS02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PS02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-PS02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-PS02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS02RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS02RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS02W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-PS02W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-PS02W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
PS42L-PS02W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS02W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PS11BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-PS11BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-PS11BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-PS11BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
PS42L-PS11BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-PS11L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-PS11L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
PS42L-PS11LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-PS11LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-PS11LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
PS42L-PS11LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-PS11LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-PS11LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
PS42L-PS11LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-PS11LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-PS11LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
PS42L-PS11LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-PS11LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-PS11LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
PS42L-PS11LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
PS42L-PS11LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
PS42L-PS11LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-PS11LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
PS42L-PS11N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
PS42L-PS11P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-PS11P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-PS11P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
PS42L-PS11P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
PS42L-PS11PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
PS42L-PS11PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
PS42L-PS11PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-PS11PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-PS11PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
PS42L-PS11R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-PS11RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC sna
PS42L-PS11RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
PS42L-PS11RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PS11RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PS11RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-PS11RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
PS42L-PS11RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS11RT-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS11RT-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
PS42L-PS11W0-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-PS11W0-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-PS11W0-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
PS42L-PS11W1-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11W1-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11W1-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11W2-H00 PS 50mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11W2-M00 PS 50mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PS11W2-T00 PS 50mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
PS42L-PT02BE-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02BE-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02BE-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02BM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-PT02BM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
PS42L-PT02BO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-PT02BO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
PS42L-PT02BR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02BR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02BR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
PS42L-PT02L3-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-PT02L3-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-PT02L3-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
PS42L-PT02LA-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PT02LA-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PT02LA-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
PS42L-PT02LB-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-PT02LB-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
PS42L-PT02LF-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LF-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LF-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LG-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LG-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LG-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
PS42L-PT02LN-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PT02LN-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PT02LN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
PS42L-PT02LO-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-PT02LP-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) multidir ny
PS42L-PT02LR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
PS42L-PT02LS-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
PS42L-PT02LW-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
PS42L-PT02LZ-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-PT02LZ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
PS42L-PT02N6-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
PS42L-PT02P0-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02P0-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02P0-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02P1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02PH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
PS42L-PT02PN-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02PR-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02PR-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02PR-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
PS42L-PT02R1-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PT02R1-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PT02R1-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
PS42L-PT02RH-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-PT02RJ-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+)
PS42L-PT02RL-T00 PS 50mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
PS42L-PT02RM-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PT02RM-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
PS42L-PT02RO-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-PT02RO-M00 PS 50mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
PS42L-PT02RT-H00 PS 50mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER

Carlo Gavazzi Vietnam


Headquarter Office: 153 Nguyen Van Thu, Đakao Ward, Dist.1, HCMC.

Transaction Office: 33 Hoa Hong, Ward 2, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC.

Tel : (084.8) 3 517 4923 I Fax: (084.8) 3 517 4924


Website:  l








Số người xem : 11225
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