Profile of the Mitsubishi Electric Group
The Mitsubishi Electric Group operates on the corporate principle of contributing to creating a vibrant and affluent society by enhancing its technologies, services, and creative powers, as a leader in the manufacture and sales of electric and electronic equipment used in Energy and Electric Systems, Industrial Automation, Information and Communication Systems, Electronic Devices, and Home Appliances.
Corporate Data
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Tokyo Building,
2-7-3, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8310, Japan
President & CEO:
Masaki Sakuyama
(assumed position on April 1, 2014)
+81 (3) 3218-2111
January 15, 1921
Paid-in Capital:
¥175,820 million
Shares Issued:
Consolidated Net Sales:
¥4,054,359 million
Consolidated Total Assets:
¥3,612,966 million
Energy and Electric Systems
Turbine generators, hydraulic turbine generators, nuclear power plant equipment, motors, transformers, power electronics equipment, circuit breakers, gas insulated switches, switch control devices, surveillance-system control and security systems, large display devices, electrical equipment for locomotives and rolling stock, elevators, escalators, building security systems, building management systems, particle beam treatment systems, and others
Industrial Automation Systems
Programmable logic controllers, inverters, servomotors, human-machine interface, motors, hoists, magnetic switches, no-fuse circuit breakers, short-circuit breakers, transformers for electricity distribution, time and power meters, uninterruptible power supply, industrial fans, computerized numerical controllers, electrical-discharge machines, laser processing machines, industrial robots, clutches, automotive electrical equipment, car electronics and car mechatronics, car multimedia, and others
Main Products and Business Lines
Programmable logic controllers, inverters, servomotors, human-machine interface, motors, hoists, magnetic switches, no-fuse circuit breakers, short circuit breakers, transformers for electricity distribution, time and power meters, uninterruptible power supply, industrial fans, computerized numerical controllers, electrical discharge machines, laser processing machines, industrial robots, clutches, automotive electrical equipment, car electronics and car mechatronics, car multimedia, and others
Programmable Logic Controllers

Mitsubishi Electric's MELSEC series of programmable logic controllers supports a wide array of production and social infrastructure applications; solutions range from control and safety devices to information and instrumentation management. As a leading global brand, the MELSEC series contributes to the construction of cutting-edge control systems owing to its capabilities, performance, product variety and high reliability.
AC Servos

The MELSERVO-J4 series features the world's highest level of performance and functionality. Its advanced design allows "one touch" auto-tuning and vibration suppression that enhances the speed, precision and overall performance of production equipment and manufacturing devices. The MELSERVO-J4 series has applications in numerous fields, including semiconductors, FPD (Flat Panel Display) production, packaging systems and industrial machinery.
Energy-Saving Support Products

Mitsubishi Electric enables users to "visualize" energy consumption through the use of energy-saving support products that feature multiple applications. Such devices include servers that contribute to efficient energy management by collecting, analyzing and displaying energy usage data in buildings and factories.
Low-voltage Circuit Breakers

Low-voltage Circuit Breakers are used for wiring protection and short-circuit protection in low-voltage circuits. Since 1933 Mitsubishi Electric has been continuously designing and developing such breakers, the latest of which is the new WS-V "World" series; ideally suited to both power distribution and OEM markets.
Demand Monitoring & Control Devices

Mitsubishi Electric offers a broad range of demand monitoring & control products for installation in factories, shopping malls, office buildings and other facilities.
Electrical DischargeMachines (EDMs)

Beginning with the newly launched MV series, a strategic product globally, Mitsubishi Electric provides a lineup of EDMs that add value and improve the manufacturing productivity of molds and precision components.
Such equipment is indispensable to the production of automobiles, home electronics and IT-related devices.
Electric Power Steering (Motors and Controllers)

Mitsubishi Electric was the first company in the world to mass produce motors and controllers for electric power steering to assist driver steering in line with driving conditions. Over the years, Mitsubishi Electric has helped to improve steering feel, response and stability while delivering compact units and high-output performance, and contributing to reduced automobile CO2 emissions.
Memory Car Navigation System

Mitsubishi Electric's DIATONE SOUND.NAVI is a car navigation system that incorporates the high-quality sound of the DIATONE high-end audio system. In addition to a sound quality and tone control function that rivals that of high-end car audio equipment, DIATONE SOUND.NAVI offers a wide range of advanced navigation capabilities that support driving safety based on simple map features.