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West P6100 1/16 Din Process Controller

West P6100 1/16 Din Process Controller
Mã Sản phẩm : West P6100
Chuyên mục : Đồng hồ nhiệt
Nhà sản xuất : West
Hàng sẵn kho : Đặt hàng 
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Technical Data


Control Types

Full PID with Pre-tune, Self-tune, manual tuning, or On-Off control. Heat only or heat & cool


Selectable from front panel or via digital input, with bumpless transfer

Output Configuration

Up to 3 possible, for control, alarm, 24VDC transmitter power supply or retransmit of process value or setpoint

Alarm 1 & 2 Types

Process high, process low, SP deviation, band, logical OR / AND. Also 1 loop alarm for process control security. Process alarms have adjustable hysteresis.

Human Interface

4 button operation, dual 4 digit 10mm & 8mm high LED displays, optional choice of colours (Red/Red, Red/Green, Green/Red or Green/Green), plus 5 LED indicators

PC Configuration

Off-line configuration from PC serial port to dedicated config socket (comms option not required). Configuration Software for Windows 98 or higher. West Part Number: PS1-CON



J, K, C, R, S, T, B, L, N & PtRh20%vsPtRh40%.


3 Wire PT100, 50Ω per lead maximum (balanced)

DC Linear

0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 50mV, 10 to 50mV, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 2 to 10V.

Scaleable  -1999 to 9999, with adjustable decimal point


>10MΩ for Thermocouple and mV ranges, 47KΩ for V ranges and 5Ω for mA ranges


±0.1% of input range ±1 LSD (T/C CJC better than 1°C)


4 per second, 14 bit resolution approximately

Sensor Break Detection

<2 seconds (except zero based DC ranges), control O/P’s turn off, high alarms activate for T/C and mV ranges, low alarms activate for RTD, mA or V ranges

Outputs & Options

Control & Alarm Relays

Contacts SPDT 2 Amp resistive at 240V AC, >500,000 operations

Control SSR Driver Outputs

Drive capability >10V DC in 500Ω minimum

Triac Outputs

0.01 to 1 Amp AC, 20 to 280Vrms, 47 to 63Hz

DC Linear Outputs

0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA into 500Ω max, 0 to 10V, 2 to 10V, 0 to 5V into 500Ω min.

Control outputs have 2% over/under drive applied. Accuracy ±0.25% at 250Ω (degrades linearly to 0.5% for increasing burden to specified limits)

Transmitter Power Supply

Output 24VDC (nominal) into 910Ω minimum to power external devices


2 Wire RS485, 1200 to 19200 Baud, Modbus and ASCII protocol (selectable)

Digital Input

Selects between 2 setpoints or Auto/Manual control. Volt free or TTL input

Remote Setpoint Input

0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V, 0 to 10V or 2 to 10V.Scaleable -1999 to 9999. Local/Remote setpoint selected from front panel

Operating & Environmental

Temperature & RH

0 to 55°C (-20 to 80°C storage), 20% to 95% RH non-condensing

Power Supply

100 to 240V 50/60Hz 7.5VA (optional 20 to 48V AC 7.5VA/22 to 65V DC 5 watts)

Front Panel Protection

IEC IP66 (Behind panel protection is IP20)


CE, UL & ULC recognised






Headquarter Office: 153 Nguyen Van Thu, Đakao Ward, Dist.1, HCMC.

Transaction Office: 33 Hoa Hong, Ward 2, Phu Nhuan District, HCMC.

Tel : (084.8) 3 517 4923 I Fax: (084.8) 3 517 4924


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