English Japan
Bảng giá thiết bị Pizzato - part 4

Bảng giá thiết bị Pizzato - part 4

  --  10/6/2011
Article Description EAN code
FR 2093-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851156533
FR 2093-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851129964
FR 20A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket 8018851034701
FR 20A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851034725
FR 20A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket 8018851034732
FR 20C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066740
FR 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067082
FR 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067426
FR 210 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851034749
FR 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851034770
FR 2105 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851034794
FR 2114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851034879
FR 2117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851034909
FR 2125 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851034947
FR 2134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851035012
FR 2138 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851035029
FR 214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851035043
FR 2153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851109614
FR 2154-3 Position switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller 8018851035135
FR 2156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851035180
FR 2192 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035296
FR 2192-D Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035302
FR 2192-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035319
FR 2192-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035333
FR 2192-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035340
FR 2192-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851035364
FR 2193-D Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851156557
FR 2193-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851146114
FR 2193-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851156588
FR 21A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851035395
FR 21C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067778
FR 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066412
FR 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067433
FR 220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point 8018851035425
FR 2201 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851035432
FR 2205 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851035470
FR 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851035517
FR 2214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851035562
FR 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851035579
FR 2215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851078965
FR 2221 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker 8018851035616
FR 2233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851035678
FR 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851035692
FR 225 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851035715
FR 2252 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851035753
FR 2254 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851035777
FR 2254-3 Position switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller 8018851035784
FR 2255-4 Position switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller 8018851035821
FR 2257 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851035852
FR 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851035876
FR 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082412
FR 2293 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851086380
FR 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068126
FR 22A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144271
FR 22A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket 8018851036057
FR 22C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067785
FR 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067105
FR 231 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851036088
FR 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851036101
FR 234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851036118
FR 238 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851036125
FR 252 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851036170
FR 253-E0 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851110108
FR 254 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851036194
FR 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851036262
FR 3392 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036392
FR 3392-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036415
FR 3392-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036439
FR 3392-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036446
FR 3392-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036460
FR 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068133
FR 33A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144288
FR 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067792
FR 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066436
FR 33C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067112
FR 33C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067457
FR 3492 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036538
FR 3492-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036552
FR 3492-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036569
FR 3492-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036590
FR 3492-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851036606
FR 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068140
FR 34A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144295
FR 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067808
FR 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066788
FR 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067464
FR 3A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144318
FR 510 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851036989
FR 513 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851037030
FR 515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851037061
FR 515-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851037078
FR 520 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point 8018851037245
FR 530 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851037351
FR 531-1 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851037443
FR 533 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851037597
FR 534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851037603
FR 538 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851037610
FR 551 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851037856
FR 553-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851099120
FR 555 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851038068
FR 555-3 Position switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller 8018851038099
FR 556 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851038198
FR 557 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851038228
FR 569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851038242
FR 573 Stable position switch for rope actuation 8018851145667
FR 576 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082238
FR 592 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851079245
FR 593 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851086342
FR 596 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068157
FR 5A3 Limit switch, piston plunger with simultaneous reset 8018851038389
FR 5A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket 8018851038419
FR 5C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067815
FR 5C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066795
FR 601-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device 8018851119460
FR 605 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851038549
FR 607-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device 8018851119491
FR 608 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851038600
FR 610 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851038631
FR 612 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851038648
FR 613 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851038655
FR 614 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851038662
FR 616 Limit switch with roller piston plunge 8018851086465
FR 630 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851038846
FR 630-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device 8018851119767
FR 633 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851038952
FR 638 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851038990
FR 638-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device 8018851120428
FR 650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851039058
FR 651 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851039072
FR 653-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851097829
FR 654 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851039140
FR 654-3 Position switch with adjustable lever, rubber roller 8018851039157
FR 655 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851039218
FR 655-3 Position switch with adjustable revolving lever, rubber roller 8018851039232
FR 656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851039287
FR 657 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851039300
FR 692-D Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851039409
FR 692-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851039461
FR 692-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851039508
FR 693-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851085826
FR 693-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851085833
FR 693-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851085840
FR 693-D6 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851085857
FR 6A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851039751
FR 701 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851039782
FR 705 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851039850
FR 714 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851039980
FR 717 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851040023
FR 730 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851040030
FR 733 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851040085
FR 734 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851040108
FR 738 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851040115
FR 755 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851040245
FR 756 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851040283
FR 757 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851040306
FR 769 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851040320
FR 776 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082337
FR 792 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851040399
FR 792-D5 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851040443
FR 7A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket 8018851040504
FR 7A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851040511
FR 7A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144165
FR 7A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851040528
FR 7C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066467
FR 7C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067143
FR 7C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067488
FR 874 Rope safety switch without reset for simple stop 8018851082191
FR 901 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851040542
FR 901-W3 Limit switch with short piston plunger and reset device 8018851119514
FR 902 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851040580
FR 913 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851040702
FR 914 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851040719
FR 915-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851040733
FR 917 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851040795
FR 934 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851040863
FR 938 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851040870
FR 938-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device 8018851120435
FR 951 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851040924
FR 954 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851040979
FR 955 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851041013
FR 955-4 Position switch with adjustable revolving lever, overhanging rubber roller 8018851041037
FR 956 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851041068
FR 969 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851041105
FR 992-D Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851041181
FR 992-D1 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851041198
FR 992-D2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851041211
FR 992-D3 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851041228
FR 992-D7 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851041259
FR 9A4 Limit switch with plunger, external gasket and roller 8018851144172
FR 9A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851041389
FR 9C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066474
FR 9C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067150
FR 9C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067495
FR E101 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851041402
FR E105 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851078064
FR E108 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851041426
FR E114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851078101
FR E125 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851078132
FR E131 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851078422
FR E133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851041471
FR E134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851078439
FR E150 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851078446
FR E151 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851041501
FR E153-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851109621
FR E154 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851078460
FR E155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851041525
FR E156 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851078477
FR E157 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851078484
FR E169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851041549
FR E1A1 Limit switch with short piston plunger, external gasket 8018851041556
FR E1A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851078149
FR E1A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851078156
FS 1896D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851096846
FS 1896D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851096754
FS 1896D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851096310
FS 1896D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851097096
FS 1896D024-F8 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851115202
FS 1896D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851100185
FS 1896D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851097775
FS 1896E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851096976
FS 1896E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851097041
FS 1896E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851098246
FS 1898D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851097843
FS 2096D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041884
FS 2096D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041891
FS 2096D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041907
FS 2096D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041921
FS 2096D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041938
FS 2096D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041952
FS 2096E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851041990
FS 2096E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042003
FS 2096E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042034
FS 2096E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042041
FS 2096E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042072
FS 2096E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042089
FS 2096E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042096
FS 2096E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042102
FS 2098D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042119
FS 2196D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042164
FS 2196D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042188
FS 2196D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042195
FS 2196D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042218
FS 2196D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042232
FS 2196D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042249
FS 2196D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851079412
FS 2196E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042287
FS 2196E024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042324
FS 2196E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042348
FS 2196E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042386
FS 2198D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042393
FS 2896D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042423
FS 2896D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042430
FS 2896D024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042454
FS 2896D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042461
FS 2896D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042478
FS 2896D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042485
FS 2896D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042492
FS 2896D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042508
FS 2896D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042515
FS 2896D120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042522
FS 2896D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851079436
FS 2896E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042546
FS 2896E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042560
FS 2896E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042577
FS 2896E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042607
FS 2996D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042713
FS 2996D024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042720
FS 2996D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042775
FS 2996D120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042782
FS 2996D120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042799
FS 2996D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851079450
FS 2996E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042836
FS 2996E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042867
FS 2996E024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042874
FS 2996E120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042898
FS 2996E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042911
FS 2996E120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042928
FS 2996E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042935
FS 2998D024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042959
FS 2998D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042966
FS 3096D024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851042980
FS 3096D024-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043017
FS 3096D024-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043024
FS 3096D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043048
FS 3096D120-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043079
FS 3096D120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043093
FS 3096D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851079474
FS 3096E024 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043109
FS 3096E024-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043116
FS 3096E024-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043123
FS 3096E024-F2 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043130
FS 3096E120-F Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043178
FS 3096E120-F1 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043185
FS 3096E120-F3 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043208
FS 3096E120-F7 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043215
FS 3098D120 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851043239
FS 3098D230 Safety switch with solenoid and separate actuator 8018851079481
FT 2A6301AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851180200
FT 2A6307AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172236
FT 2A6313AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172274
FT 2A6314AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172205
FT 2A6315AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172243
FT 2A6356AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851177057
FT 2A6401AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172281
FT 2A6412AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172366
FT 2A6413AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172373
FT 2A6416AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172359
FT 2A6430AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851172441
FT 2A6452AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851177071
FT 2B63A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851171444
FT 2B64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851169625
FT 2D63A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174599
FT 2D63A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174643
FT 2D64A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174612
FT 2D64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174650
FT 2F63A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174674
FT 2F63A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174711
FT 2F63A6AU-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174681
FT 2F63A6AU-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174728
FT 2F64A6AH-E26 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174698
FT 2F64A6AH-E27 Safety switch with electrical reset 8018851174735
FW 2092-D10M2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851101489
FW 2092-D1M2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851155673
FW 3392-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851093227
FW 3492-E3M2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851103971
FW 3492-M2 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851093388
FX 1002 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851043260
FX 1007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851043307
FX 1008 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851043321
FX 1013 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851043345
FX 1015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851043369
FX 1015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851078972
FX 1020 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point 8018851043383
FX 1021 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker 8018851043390
FX 1025 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851043406
FX 1030 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851043413
FX 1033 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851043451
FX 1052 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851043550
FX 1053-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851109751
FX 1054 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851043574
FX 1069 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851043673
FX 1102 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851043703
FX 1105 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851043727
FX 1110 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851105845
FX 1112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851043772
FX 1114 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851105852
FX 1115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851043796
FX 1115-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851078989
FX 1116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge 8018851086649
FX 1117 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851105869
FX 1130 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851043819
FX 1131 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851043833
FX 1133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851043857
FX 1134 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851043864
FX 1138 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851043871
FX 1155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851043970
FX 1157 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044021
FX 1169 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851044045
FX 1201 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851105999
FX 1202 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851105913
FX 1208 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851106019
FX 1214 Limit switch with mushroom head plunger 8018851105951
FX 1215-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851107221
FX 1217 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851105968
FX 1225 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851113772
FX 1234 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851108082
FX 1238 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851107740
FX 1251 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851108013
FX 1252 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851108099
FX 1253-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851109805
FX 1255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851108051
FX 1276 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851109416
FX 1301 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851107375
FX 1302 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851107290
FX 1330 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851108112
FX 1331 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851108150
FX 1334 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851108204
FX 1338 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851107764
FX 1350 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851108167
FX 1376 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851109423
FX 1402 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851044076
FX 1405 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851044090
FX 1407 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851044113
FX 1408 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851044137
FX 1413 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851044151
FX 1415 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851044168
FX 1415-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851078996
FX 1450 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851044267
FX 1452 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044298
FX 1455 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851044342
FX 1456 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851044373
FX 1476 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082573
FX 1501 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851044427
FX 1502 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851044441
FX 1507 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851044489
FX 1508 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851044502
FX 1515 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851044533
FX 1534 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851044601
FX 1551 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044649
FX 1552 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044663
FX 1569 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851044786
FX 1631 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044809
FX 1638 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851044830
FX 1650 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851044847
FX 1651 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851044854
FX 1656 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851044939
FX 1802 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851107207
FX 1812 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851112386
FX 1815 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851112461
FX 1815-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851112508
FX 1816 Limit switch with roller piston plunge 8018851112515
FX 1821 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker 8018851112416
FX 1830 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851113086
FX 1834 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851113178
FX 1851 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851113109
FX 1853-E0V9 Limit switch with porcelain roller lever 8018851109799
FX 1856 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851113154
FX 18A2 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851112423
FX 18A5 Limit switch with one-way roller, external gasket 8018851112430
FX 18A7 Limit switch with one-way roller adjustable, external gasket 8018851112492
FX 18C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066207
FX 18C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066214
FX 18C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066238
FX 2005 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851045004
FX 2007 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851045028
FX 2007-W3 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller and reset device 8018851119743
FX 2008 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851045042
FX 201 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851045059
FX 2015 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851045080
FX 2015-1 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851079016
FX 2015-W3 Limit switch with roller piston plunger and reset device 8018851119750
FX 2016 Limit switch with roller piston plunge 8018851086670
FX 202 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851045110
FX 2025 Limit switch with coil spring 8018851045141
FX 2031 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851045172
FX 2034 Limit switch, coiled spring lever with plastic point 8018851045202
FX 2038-W3 Limit switch for rotating levers with reset device 8018851120473
FX 205 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851045233
FX 2050 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851045240
FX 2051-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device 8018851119927
FX 2054 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851045295
FX 2054-W3 Limit switch with roller lever and reset device 8018851119934
FX 2056 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851045356
FX 207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851045400
FX 2076 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082597
FX 2093 Safety switch with separate actuator 8018851086434
FX 2096 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068188
FX 20C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067167
FX 20C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067501
FX 2101 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851045561
FX 2102 Limit switch with one-way roller 8018851045585
FX 2112 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851045653
FX 2113 Limit switch with roller and threaded piston plunger 8018851045660
FX 2115 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851045677
FX 2116 Limit switch with roller piston plunge 8018851086687
FX 2121 Limit switch, coil spring with cat's whisker 8018851045714
FX 2130 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851045745
FX 2131 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851045769
FX 2133 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851045783
FX 2152 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851045868
FX 2155 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851045912
FX 2176 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082603
FX 2196 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068195
FX 21C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066498
FX 21C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066832
FX 21C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067174
FX 21C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067518
FX 2207 Limit switch with adjustable one-way roller 8018851046209
FX 2208 Limit switch with piston plunger 8018851046223
FX 2215 Limit switch with roller piston plunger 8018851046261
FX 2220 Limit switch, coil spring with plastic point 8018851046285
FX 2238 Limit switch for rotating levers 8018851046377
FX 2250 Limit switch with adjustable round rod lever 8018851046407
FX 2252 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851046438
FX 2254 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851046452
FX 2255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851046483
FX 2256 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851046513
FX 2269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851046551
FX 2276 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082610
FX 2296 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068201
FX 22C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067181
FX 230 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851046704
FX 233 Limit switch with adjustable square rod lever 8018851046728
FX 251 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851046766
FX 252 Limit switch with roller lever 8018851046773
FX 255 Limit switch with adjustable roller lever 8018851046803
FX 269 Limit switch with adjustable glass-fibre rod lever 8018851046858
FX 276 Limit switch for rope actuation 8018851082627
FX 3396 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068218
FX 33C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067877
FX 33C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066511
FX 33C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066856
FX 3496 Safety switch for hinged doors 8018851068225
FX 34C1 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067884
FX 34C2 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066528
FX 34C3 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851066863
FX 34C4 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067204
FX 34C5 Safety switch with slotted hole lever 8018851067549
FX 501 Limit switch with short piston plunger 8018851047152
FX 512 Limit switch with threaded piston plunger 8018851047305

Số người xem : 9976
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