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Bảng giá thiết bị Sensor Optex Japan - part 2

Bảng giá thiết bị Sensor Optex Japan - part 2

  --  9/19/2011


CD33-120PA 120+/-60mm, cable, 2ch PNP, 4~20mA analog out
CD33-120PV 120+/-60mm, cable, 2ch PNP, 0~10V analog out
CD33-120P 120+/-60mm, cable, 2ch PNP
CD33-120P-422 120+/-60mm, cable, 1ch PNP, RS422 I/F
CD33-120CPA 120+/-60mm, connector, 2ch PNP, 4~20mA
analog out
CD33-120CPV 120+/-60mm, connector, 2ch PNP, 0~10V analog 
CD33-120CP 120+/-60mm, connector, 2ch PNP
CD33-120CP-422 120+/-60mm, connector, 1ch PNP, RS422 I/F 
RSA-N Separate type, cable, NPN
RSA-P Separate type, cable, PNP
RSA-CN Separate type, connector, NPN
RSA-CP Separate type, connector, PNP
RT-1500 Sensor Head
RD-150 Sensor Head
RD-F50 Sensor Head
RS-20R Sensor Head
RS-16G Sensor Head
RM-16R Sensor Head
RM-16G Sensor Head
CTD-1500N# T/B 15 meter, NPN, cable
CTD-1500CN# T/B 15 meter, NPN, connector
CTD-1500P# T/B 15 meter, PNP, cable
CTD-1500CP# T/B 15 meter, PNP, connector
CDD-11N# Diffuse, 11cm, NPN, cable
CDD-11CN# Diffuse, 11cm, NPN, connector
CDD-40N# Diffuse, 39cm, NPN, cable
CDD-40CN# Diffuse, 40cm, NPN, connector
CDD-11P# Diffuse, 11cm, PNP, cable
CDD-11CP# Diffuse, 11cm, PNP, connector
CDD-40P# Diffuse, 40cm, PNP, cable
CDD-40CP# Diffuse, 40cm, PNP, connector
CDD-11N* Diffuse, 11cm, NPN, cable
CRD-300N# Retro, 3 meter, NPN, cable
CRD-300CN# Retro, 3 meter, NPN, connector
CRD-300P# Retro, 3 meter, PNP, cable
CRD-300CP# Retro, 3 meter, PNP, connector
CRDF-100N# Retro, 1 meter, NPN, cable
CRDF-100CN#  Retro, 1 meter, NPN, connector
CRDF-100P# Retro, 1 meter, PNP, cable
CRDF-100CP# Retro, 1 meter, PNP, connector
ZR-350CN Retro, 3.5 meter, connector, NPN
ZR-350CN-B Retro, 3.5 meter, connector, NPN, No bracket, No
ZR-350CP Retro, 3.5 meter, connector, PNP
ZR-350N Retro, 3.5 meter, cable, NPN
ZR-350N-B Retro, 3.5 meter, cable, NPN, No bracket, No 
ZR-350P Retro, 3.5 meter, cable, PNP
ZR-350P-B Retro, 3.5 meter, cable, PNP, No bracket, No 
ZR-Q200CN Retro, 2 meter, connector, NPN
ZR-Q200CP Retro, 2 meter, connector, PNP
ZR-Q200N Retro, 2 meter, cable, NPN
ZR-Q200P Retro, 2 meter, cable, PNP
ZD-70CN Diffuse, 70cm, connector, NPN
ZD-70CP Diffuse, 70cm, connector, PNP
ZD-70N Diffuse, 70cm, cable, NPN
ZD-70N-B Diffuse, 70cm, cable, NPN, No bracket
ZD-70P Diffuse, 70cm, cable, PNP
ZD-70P-B Diffuse, 70cm, cable, PNP, No bracket
ZD-L09CN Convergent, 9cm, connector, NPN
ZD-L09CP Convergent, 9cm, connector, PNP
ZD-L09N Convergent, 9cm, cable, NPN
ZD-L09N-B Convergent, 9cm, cable, NPN, No bracket
ZD-L09P Convergent, 9cm, cable, PNP
ZT-1200CN T/B, 12 meter, connector, NPN
ZT-1200CP T/B, 12 meter, connector, PNP
ZT-1200N T/B, 12 meter, cable, NPN
ZT-1200N-B T/B, 12 meter, cable, NPN, No bracket
ZT-1200ND T/B, 12 meter, cable, NPN, Dark-On fixed, No trimmer
ZT-1200ND-B T/B, 12 meter, cable, NPN, Dark-On fixed, No
bracket, No trimmer
ZT-1200P T/B, 12 meter, cable, PNP
ZT-1200P-B T/B, 12 meter, cable, PNP, No bracket
ZT-1200PD-B T/B, 12 meter, cable, PNP, Dark-On fixed, No
bracket, No trimmer
ZD-W20N Divergent, 20cm, cable, NPN
ZD-W20P Divergent, 20cm, cable, PNP
ZD-W20CN Divergent, 20cm, M8 QD, NPN
ZD-W20CP Divergent, 20cm, M8 QD, PNP
ZT-L3000N Laser, T/B, 30 meter, NPN, cable
ZT-L3000CN Laser, T/B, 30 meter, NPN, M8 connector 
ZT-L3000P Laser, T/B, 30 meter, PNP, cable
ZT-L3000CP Laser, T/B, 30 meter, PNP, M8 connector
ZR-L1000N Laser, Retro, 10 meter, NPN, cable
ZR-L1000CN Laser, Retro, 10 meter, NPN, M8 connector 
ZR-L1000P Laser, Retro, 10 meter, PNP, cable
ZR-L1000CP Laser, Retro, 10 meter, PNP, M8 connector 
ZD-L40N 2mm spot diffuse, NPN, cable
ZD-L40CN 2mm spot diffuse, NPN, M8 connector
ZD-L40P 2mm spot diffuse, PNP, cable
ZD-L40CP 2mm spot diffuse, PNP, M8 connector
DSR-800 Retro Reflective Head
DSD-100 Diffuse Reflective Head
DSTC-200 Thru-Beam Head, round spot
DSTA-200 Thru-Beam Head, Line Beam
DSTC-200-M8 Thru-Beam Head, round spot, M8 QD
DSTA-200-M8 Thru-Beam Head, Line Beam, M8 QD
D2SA-MN High Function Type, NPN, cable 6 cores
D2SA-MN3 Economical Type, NPN, cable 6 cores
D2SA-MN-M8 Economical Type, NPN, M8 QD
D2SA-MP High Function Type, PNP, cable 6 cores
D2SA-MP3 Economical Type, PNP, cable 6 cores
D2SA-MP-M8 Economical Type, PNP, M8 QD
D2SA-SN High Function Type, NPN, cable 4 cores
D2SA-SN1 Economical Type, NPN, cable 1 core
D2SA-SP High Function Type, PNP, cable 4 cores
D2SA-SP1 Economical Type, PNP, cable 1 core
BGS-2S30P BGS, 30cm, cable, PNP
BGS-2S30CP BGS, 30cm, connector, PNP
BGS-2S30PT BGS with Timer , 30cm, cable, PNP
BGS-2S30CPT BGS with Timer , 30cm, connector, PNP
BGS-2S30N BGS, 30cm, cable, NPN
BGS-2S30NT BGS with Timer , 30cm, cable, NPN
BGS-2S30CN BGS, 30cm, connector, NPN
 BGS-2S15N* Anti-Inverter Noise, BGS, 15cm, cable, Bulk pkg
S2T-1200N・ Thru-beam, 12 meter, cable, NPN
S2T-1200CN・ Thru-beam, 12 meter, connector, NPN
S2T-1200P・ Thru-beam, 12 meter, cable, PNP
S2T-1200CP・ Thru-beam, 12 meter, cable, PNP
S2T-1200CP・ Thru-beam, 12 meter, connector, PNP
S2R-350N・ Retro Reflection, 3.5 meter, cable, NPN
S2R-350CN・ Retro Reflection, 3.5 meter, connector, NPN
S2R-350P・ Retro Reflection, 3.5 meter, cable, PNP
S2R-350CP・ Retro Reflection, 3.5 meter, connector, PNP
S2D-80N・ Diffuse, 80cm, cable, NPN
S2D-80CN・ Diffuse, 80cm, connector, NPN
S2D-80P・ Diffuse, 80cm, cable, PNP
S2D-80CP・ Diffuse, 80cm, connector, PNP
S2D-80NIR・ Diffuse, IR LED type, 80cm, cable, NPN
S2D-80PIR・ Diffuse, IR LED type, 80cm, cable, PNP
S2D-80CPIR・ Diffuse, IR LED type, 80cm, connector, PNP
S2T-1200N/D・ Thru-beam, Dark-on, 12 meter, cable, NPN
S2T-1200P/D・ Thru-beam, Dark-on, 12 meter, connector, NPN
S2R-350P/D・ Thru-beam, Dark-on, 12 meter, connector, PNP
BGS-2S25N Black PCB application, 25cm, NPN, cable
BGS-2S15CN Anti-Inverter Noise, BGS, 15cm, NPN, M8 QD
ST-400N Thru-beam, 4 meter, cable, NPN
ST-400N-5 Thru-beam, 4 meter, 5 meter cable, NPN
ST-400CN Thru-beam, 4 meter, connector, NPN
ST-400N* Thru-beam, 4 meter, cable, NPN, No Box, Special
ST-400P Thru-beam, 4 meter, cable, PNP
ST-400CP Thru-beam, 4 meter, connector, PNP
SR-150N Retro reflection, 1.5 meter, cable, NPN
SR-150CN Retro reflection, 1.5 meter, connector, NPN 
SR-150P Retro reflection, 1.5 meter, cable, PNP
SR-150CP Retro reflection, 1.5 meter, connector, PNP
SD-20N Diffuse, 20cm, cable, NPN
SD-20N-5 Diffuse, 20cm, 5 meter cable, NPN
SD-20CN Diffuse, 20cm, connector, NPN
SD-20N* Diffuse, 20cm, cable, NPN, No Box, Special
SD-20P Diffuse, 20cm, cable, PNP
SD-20CP Diffuse, 20cm, connector, PNP
BGS-S08N  BGS, 8cm, cable, NPN
BGS-S08N-5 BGS, 8cm, 5 meter cable, NPN
BGS-S08CN BGS, 8cm, connector, NPN
BGS-S03N BGS, 3cm, cable, NPN
BGS-S08N* BGS, 8cm, cable, NPN, Bulk packing, Special
BGS-S08P BGS, 8cm, cable, NPN
BGS-S08CP BGS, 8cm, connector, PNP
BGS-S08P* BGS, 8cm, cable, PNP, Bulk packing, special
SR-Q50NW TFT application, 50 cm, cable, NPN
SR-Q50CNW TFT application, 50 cm, connector, NPN
SR-Q50PW TFT application, 50 cm, cable, PNP
SR-Q50CPW TFT application, 50 cm, connector, PNP
JT-H1000NR Thru-beam, 10 meter, cable, NPN
JT-H1000CNR Thru-beam, 10 meter, connector, NPN
JT-H1000PR Thru-beam, 10 meter, cable, PNP
JT-H1000CPR Thru-beam, 10 meter, connector, PNP
JR-H300P Retro Reflection, 3 meter, cable, PNP
JR-H300CP Retro Reflection, 3 meter, connector, PNP
JD-HL03N・ Convergent, 3cm, cable, NPN
JD-HL03CN・ Convergent, 3cm, connector, NPN
JD-HL03P・ Convergent, 3cm, cable, PNP
JD-HL03CP・ Convergent, 3cm, connector, PNP
JD-HW08N・ Divergent, 8cm, cable, NPN
JD-HW08CN・ Divergent, 8cm, connector, NPN
JD-HW08P・ Divergent, 8cm, cable, PNP
JD-HW08CP・ Divergent, 8cm, connector, PNP
JD-HR80P Diffuse, 80cm, cable, PNP
JD-HR80CP Diffuse, 80cm, connector, PNP
JT-S1000NR Thru-beam, 10 meter, cable, NPN
JT-S1000CNR Thru-beam, 10 meter, connector, NPN
JT-S1000PR Thru-beam, 10 meter, cable, PNP
JT-S1000CPR Thru-beam, 10 meter, connector, PNP
JR-S300P Retro Reflection, 3 meter, cable, PNP
JR-S300CP Retro Reflection, 3 meter, connector, PNP
JD-SL03P・ Convergent, 3cm, cable, PNP
JD-SL03CP・ Convergent, 3cm, connector, PNP
JD-SW08N・ Divergent, 8cm, cable, NPN
JD-SW08CN・ Divergent, 8cm, connector, NPN
JD-SW08P・ Divergent, 8cm, cable, PNP
JD-SW08CP・ Divergent, 8cm, connector, PNP
JD-SR80P Diffuse, 80cm, cable, PNP
JD-SR80CP Diffuse, 80cm, connector, PNP
JR-S300N##  Retro Reflection, 3 meter, cable, NPN
JR-S300CN## Retro Reflection, 3 meter, connector, NPN
JD-SL03N## Convergent, 3cm, cable, NPN
JD-SL03CN## Convergent, 3cm, connector, NPN
JD-SR80N## Diffuse, 80cm, cable, NPN
JD-SR80CN## Diffuse, 80cm, connector, NPN
JR-H300N## Retro Reflection, 3 meter, cable, NPN
JR-H300CN## Retro Reflection, 3 meter, connector, NPN
JD-HR80N## Diffuse, 80cm, cable, NPN
JD-HR80CN## Diffuse, 80cm, connector, NPN
J3R-H100N TEACH-IN, Narrow view, Retro Reflection, 1
meter, cable, NPN
BGS-3JH05N TEACH-IN, Narrow view BGS, 5cm, cable, NPN 
J3M-GH01N TEACH-IN, Mark Sensor, 10mm, cable、NPN
J3R-S100N TEACH-IN, Narrow view, Retro Reflection, 1
meter, cable, NPN
BGS-3JS05N TEACH-IN, Narrow view BGS, 5cm, cable, NPN 
J3M-GS01N TEACH-IN, Mark Sensor, 10mm, cable、NPN
J3R-H100P TEACH-IN, Narrow view, Retro Reflection, 1
meter, cable, PNP

BGS-3JH05P TEACH-IN, Narrow view BGS, 5cm, cable, PNP
BGS-3JH05CP TEACH-IN, Narrow view BGS, 5cm, connector,
J3M-GH01P TEACH-IN, Mark Sensor, 10mm, cable、PNP 
J3M-GH01CP TEACH-IN, Mark Sensor, 10mm, connector、PNP

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