English Japan

Sendix incremental

Sendix incremental
Mã Sản phẩm : Universal 5000, 5020
Chuyên mục : Incremental Encoder
Nhà sản xuất : Đại lý Kuebler Vietnam
Hàng sẵn kho : 10  cái
Mô tả:
Compact • Can be used even where space is tight:outer diameter 50 mm, installation depth max. 47 mm.
Link file : http://www.kueb...
Thông số chi tiết :
Mechanical characteristics:
Speed IP 651):
max. 12000 min-1
approx. 0.4 kg
Speed IP 672):
max. 6000 min-1
Protection acc. to EN 60 529 without shaft sealing:
IP 65
Rotor moment of inertia:
Protection acc. to EN 60 529 with shaft sealing:
IP 67
Shaft version:
approx. 1.8 x 10-6 kgm2
EX approval for hazardous areas:
optional zone 2 and 22
Hollow shaft version:
approx. 6 x 10-6 kgm2
Working temperature:
-40 °C3) ... +85 °C
Starting torque:
< 0.01 Nm, IP 65 < 0.05 Nm, IP 67
Shaft: Shock resistance acc. to DIN-IEC 68-2-27:
stainless steel, 2500 m/s2, 6 ms
Radial load capacity shaft:
80 N
Vibration resistance to DIN-IEC 68-2-6:
100 m/s2, 10...2000 Hz
Axial load capacity shaft::
40 N
Electrical characteristics:
Output circuit:
RS 422
RS 422
(TTL compatible)
(TTL compatible)
Supply voltage:
5 ... 30 V DC
5 V ±5%
10 ... 30 V DC
5 ... 30 V DC
Power consumption (no load):
typ. 40 mA /
typ. 40 mA
typ. 50 mA
typ. 50 mA
max. 90 mA
max. 90 mA
max. 100 mA
max. 100 mA
Permissible load/channel:
max. ±20 mA
max. ±20 mA
max. ±30 mA
max. ±20 mA
Pulse frequency:
max. 300 kHz
max. 300 kHz
max. 300 kHz
max. 300 kHz3)
Signal level high:
min. 2.5 V
min. 2.5 V
min. UB - 1V
min. UB-2.0 V
Signal level low:
max. 0.5 V
max. 0.5 V
max. 0.5 V
max. 0.5 V
Rise time tr
max. 200 ns
max. 200 ns
max. 1 μs
max. 1 μs
Fall time tf
max. 200 ns
max. 200 ns
max. 1 μs
max. 1 μs
Short circuit proof outputs1):
Reverse connection protection at UB:
UL certified
File 224618
Conforms to CE requirements acc. to EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-4 and EN 61000-6-3
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