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United States Plastic Corp. - Dema MixRite Water Powered Chemical Dosing Pump

United States Plastic Corp. - Dema MixRite Water Powered Chemical Dosing Pump

  --  4/24/2009
MixRite water driven proportioning pump for pumping a chemical product into a water line at a consistent induction rate over varying water pressure and flow rates.

MixRite water driven proportioning pump for pumping a chemical product into a water line at a consistent induction rate over varying water pressure and flow rates. Low maintenance pump is easy to install and take apart for repair. Induction range for 95073 pump is .2 to 2% and easily changed by turning the pump bottom clockwise or counterclockwise. Flow rate range is .09 to 11 gallons per minute. 95073 includes an chemical shutoff valve on top of the pump. Mix & dispense water-soluble chemicals at flow rates from .09 to 11 gpm to achieve concentration rates up to 10%. No electricity required. Water flow through the pump housing serves as the power source that drives a master piston to reciprocate up and down while a slave piston follows to draw and displace chemical. Because of the proportional relationship between the two pistons, the dilution ratio between the water flow and chemical induction remain constant without regard to fluctuations in pressure and flow. Dilution ratios can be easily changed in the field without the need for any tools. Units are equipped with 3/4" Male GHT inlet & outlet threads and an On/Off valve for chemical draw. Wetted materials of construction include; nylon, polypropylene, FKM, buna-n, pvc, ceramic, 302 SS, and PTFE. Units come complete with a wall mounting bracket and chemical suction tube assembly. An line 200 mesh strainer is recommended on all MixRite installations.




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